Outreach Programs
Encore also reaches out to elderly who are homebound, who no longer are able to make the trip to a senior center, or who have little or no access to support services. By providing a comforting voice over the phone, or a friendly face who pays a visit, outreach efforts may enable a senior to remain at home and also assists with reinforcing independence. The potential effect of this may be to lessen the chance of premature institutionalization, allowing the senior to remain “at home” with needed social supports.
This program matches homebound seniors with dedicated Volunteers who provide companionship and a sense of family for seniors living alone. They give seniors a sense of security, knowing someone is regularly in contact with them. For more information, call the Volunteer Coordinator, at (212) 581-2910 Ext. 1110.
This program provides paid escorts for seniors with mobility issues who, with the assistance of an aid, can get to medical appointments, food shopping, pharmacies, other needed destinations. There is a sliding scale to offset the cost of the escorts. For more information call (212) 581-2910 Ext. 1125.
This program lets caring volunteers make contact with isolated, elderly individuals by phone once a week. A weekly phone call can go a long way to helping homebound seniors feel safe and connected to the world. Calls can be made from the volunteer’s home or office. We ask for a time commitment of six months. For more information call (212) 581-2910, Ext. 1110.